Sunday, October 22, 2017

Test of character

Once we were young and resilient.
Now we are old and brittle.
Not molten tan of Cigarettes
Nor crazy amount of porn.
What gets you the most is
The trying to be good.


Saturday, October 21, 2017


I see a crowd in front of my house. They are angry, they are protesting. And it is matter of time before they realise I am their target. It is my family they are after. I am the murderer, the rapist; I am the one who shamed them. The crowd don’t know this for now. They looking for answers, blaming the person they elected, he was once among them and he is bit quiet now.
They want more police in the city, stricter punishment for me just like they would do to me in Saudi Arabia. I don’t know much about these things but I heard not many women are very happy in Saudi, I wonder why?
It was my mother who changed her last name and joined her inlaws. It was my father who secretly wished for a boy and I fulfilled his wish. It was my brother who whispered in my ears to be careful when a car with a woman driver is in front of me. It is my family the crowd is after. It was I with my friends glued to the TV watching Item numbers with half naked item girls hoping to see more. Yes ‘Item’ not humans with flesh and blood but Items.... articles... things...yes things...
I should get ready for the judgement day is coming. I will have to surrender. I will beg and apologise on behalf of my mom, my dad and my brother hopefully the crowd will show mercy.
And for me I need to bleed..... I need to be stoned I need to be publicly shamed.....
The crowd will soon realise this......

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Undead

Every time I grow a bit, I die a bit.... These deaths does not kill me completely and these growing does not sustain me enough. I hang in the middle somewhere like the undead...