Sunday, August 9, 2009

Imagine - 2

It is quite possible that I am a fragment of your imagination, creation of your thoughts and part of your dream.
I am so proud of the way you created me. I am eternally grateful to you.
It is also possible that you are part of my dream, part of my imagination and I hope you are as happy as I am of being part yours.


John Doe said...


Fictitioustruth said...

can't describe how awesome your posts are these days.

what flight of imagination, what creativity, what originality.

insightful and honest.

sudip bhattacharya said...

reminds me of a day when a friend of mine was explaining the funda of "fragment of my imagination" we where sitting on my terrace in faridabad and he was telling me that i am not real but a fragment of his imagination. the reverse theory never struck me. thanks for making me realise that probably i am real and he is imaginative. by the way the other guy was senior mr. s. mookherjee.

John Doe said...

ahem again...

by the way, I agree with truth.

John Doe said...

for those who did not get it, that was a pun.